He who dances with the devil

The tempter says: "Why do we need a God? We have long since unlocked his mysteries, perfected his works. His throne is shaky. Man is the master of his own destiny. He had better abdicate voluntarily before we proclaim the Republic of Sovereign Humanity!"

"I have taken precautions. I have built a global organization of doom - and believe me, it works! We have man surrounded, in a pincer. There is no escape.

I have infiltrated all areas of human life - offices, ministries, businesses, organizations. My people are everywhere. I make them poison everything themselves: the air, the water, the food, the ground they stand on. And I make them poison not only their bodies but also their souls. People are so weak!

I hardly have to intervene - they do it themselves. I let them bring about their own downfall while they think they are at the pinnacle of progress. They chase after wealth and freedom, not realizing that they are enslaving themselves.

They believe they are freer than ever before - but they are prisoners of their own greed. Their prosperity is nothing but a chain, their progress a mistake. They have forgotten how to be happy with little, and for the illusion of growth they sacrifice all that was once sacred to them.

I have driven them into the delusion of self-optimization. They define themselves through their bodies, chasing perfection in the mirror. Fitness mania turns them into functional beings, not free ones. Their day begins with a selfie that maintains the facade. Every moment is documented, every step evaluated online. The pursuit of self-realization drives them forward while they lose themselves.

I have turned society into a shop window in which everyone must constantly present themselves. Social media feeds the ego, which measures what is still important in likes, followers and algorithms. My biggest coup? People voluntarily let themselves be guided by machines. Artificial intelligence tells them what to think, what to feel, what to buy.

They believe they are in control - but they have long since given up control.

They used to think for themselves. Now they let others think for them. They no longer question anything, but blindly follow what is presented to them. Their judgment is stifled in a flood of meaningless stimuli. I have made it easy for them - for those who do not think do not resist.

Man praises his achievements, but all his technical wonders ultimately serve only to destroy the living. Disease is the price of progress. Every comfort costs a piece of the soul. And I push it further, in search of more, always more.

I am only a devil, but I could imagine an unchanging standard - not bound to fashion or business, but to what really fulfills people: faith, kindness, love, silence. But my work is done. Man does not want to stand still. He wants the rush, the speed, the illusion of control. And so the dance goes on. A dance where no one knows where it will end. But we do."

And yet - there is a light. A faint, almost forgotten flicker in the darkness. It demands nothing, it does not lure with wealth or fame. It is humility. Awe. Truth.

Only those who become still can find it. Only those who pause can see it. Few find it. But it is there. Always has been.