How Plus friends can provide real help

Helping is a simple concept that even children understand. You reach out where help is needed and lend a hand. But is it really that simple? The need is growing. War and homelessness have created a level of misery that the world has probably never seen before. 
Complaints and despair can be heard from all sides. Cries for help. There are helpless old and sick people, orphaned children, refugees, migrants. Homeless people, outcasts and displaced persons, people looking for work. 

Is it possible to overcome these challenges?

It would be possible if help were provided where it is really needed. In a way that combats need in such a way that it soon disappears.

It is a challenge to distinguish between real and false need. We are seeing more and more people moaning, begging and demanding help. In many cases, however, help is also given indiscriminately. Those who beg loudly enough have their hands filled. The ashamed poor person, who perhaps perceives their need as a disgrace, often goes away empty-handed.

The real needy person is prepared to help themselves in order to get out of their misery.

The true helper should assist people who have a sincere desire to get out of their misery by helping them to help themselves as quickly as possible. Standing on their own two feet, giving courage, helping people to help themselves - that is true help. It gives the person receiving support new strength. This creates inner healing, regardless of whether the need is physical or emotional. It is also the best way to heal emotional distress. 

Let's take the sufferer by the hand and show them the path to truth and clarity. But then we say: But you have to walk the path yourself, only then will you be free from your lack. With every step you take with courage, your strength grows.

Help should always be temporary. Permanent help is an education in laziness. It makes you happy to stand on your own two feet. Permanent support with money is not necessarily real help for self-help. 

Dear Plus+ friends, help should not only be given in the right way, it should also never be forced. Those who need help should ask for it. Only then is there a fair balance. The person in need gives the request and the thanks. The helper gives the effective help. Then both scales are evenly balanced by the law of equalisation.

There is a point at which a rethink takes place. Life does not impose a burden on us. We place it on ourselves. We have created them in the past, perhaps even in a previous life. The Creator is love, and love is expressed in His universal laws. 

We want to understand self-help correctly. With clear eyes and open ears, recognise how we can best help, and then help with a big heart and strong hands.