
When everything around us is in turmoil - society, the economy, politics, logic, morality, hope - is there one lifeline we can hold on to? It is justice. 

We humans want order and self-fulfilment. On the other hand, we create disorder and disregard universal laws. God's mills grind slowly but surely', as the saying goes. It is the unconditional interaction in the whole of creation, the law that carries the justice of God.

In ancient Greece, justice was considered the highest virtue in social life. Everyone was bound by it. In today's interpretation, the concept of 'social justice' dominates. It is not about actions, but about rules according to which the economy and society should act. 

There is 'justice research' that identifies local justice based on cultural differences. How can social justice be applied to relations with the Third World? In the context of environmental awareness and sustainability, the desire for intergenerational justice is clear. Young people are bearing the consequences of the wrong choices made by their ancestors. 


The law of compensation

If we consider the universal law of balance in giving and taking, can we speak of retributive justice in dealing with animals and the environment? Hardly. With few exceptions, humans tend to take more than they need. Oil is pumped out of the ground and sold. What does the earth get back? Nothing. Who owns the earth? All of us? Or rather the Creator, the architect and origin of the universe? 

Man often makes the calculation without the host. But the host is the Creator, and His will is the eternal, immutable and incorruptible laws of the universe. God's justice is stern and severe in the laws of the world; for what a man sows, that will he reap. But many people do not want to believe in an iron justice. 
We have free will. With the responsibility before the law of justice, the free ability to make decisions is absolutely given to us. And this lies in the will! The will is the decision. 

The Law of Reciprocity is a cornerstone of Divine Will! It brings reward or punishment in inexorable justice. It works neutrally, incorruptibly, in wonderfully subtle gradations. In this vast world event, the thought of the slightest injustice is impossible. 
The earthly courts sometimes stand in stark contrast to divine justice in some judgments. But even the judges are subject to the law of reciprocity. 

The arbiter of a conflict must never be a party to the conflict.

The libertarian approach that an arbiter must never be a party to the conflict may be helpful in reconstructing the future legal system. In a legal dispute between the state and a citizen, a state judge cannot be the arbiter of the conflict. One approach could be a natural legal order with free courts or free judicial societies. 

We are living in a time of change. The false principle is loudly bidding farewell. At the same time, consciousness is expanding and justice appears in a new light. Divine Love is inseparable from the supreme strictness of Divine Justice. It is even itself. Justice is love, and love is only in justice.