A lot is said and written about money. Let's look at the economy and the monetary system in the light of the laws of nature.
Money is one of the most important things in our lives. It permeates all areas of life. It influences the quality of life, education, peace, entrepreneurship, the well-being of employees and culture. We have been experiencing a severe economic crisis for several years now. At first there was only talk of a financial crisis. Now industries are moving away, jobs are at risk, inflation has become noticeable.
And there seems to be no solution in sight. Economists and experts are giving advice, but nothing is coming of it. We are experiencing high tax demands, mountains of irrecoverable debt, child and old-age poverty and insecurity. Why is that?
The monetary system follows the wrong principle. Money and the economy must serve people and not the other way around. Money is first and foremost a medium of exchange. Secondly, it is a unit of measurement and, thirdly, a store of value.
Every material substance decays. An apple rots in a few weeks, meat spoils, iron rusts. Money, however, multiplies. It was made into a commodity, it does not decay like any other material value. As a medium of exchange, it was intended to facilitate trade. If it is only used as such again, the upswing comes.
For money to function as a medium of exchange, the superiority attributed to it must be dismantled. Money has priority over all other goods. It should only be a substitute of equal value. But money does not spoil, it does not lose weight or color, it does not rot or decay.
These advantages have given money the leading role in the economy. Money is hoarded and lent out at interest. On closer inspection, money does not follow the natural law that everything material loses its material value over time.
The German-Argentine merchant Silvio Gesell published his work "The Natural Economic Order through Free Land and Free Money" in 1916.
According to the Natural Economic Order, free money is a means of payment that (like goods) is subject to a decline in value and is therefore subject to a circulation constraint. However, the owner of free money can avoid devaluation by avoiding hoarding the means of payment, i.e. by either exchanging it for goods, lending it out or tying it up in a bank account (for the longer term). Free money, which according to Gesell leads to falling interest rates, possibly even to negative interest rates and ultimately to a zero interest rate level, is also referred to as rust money, shrinkage money or shrinkage currency.
There are many "pilot projects" for such a monetary system. The Austrian complementary currency of the Wörgler Schwundgeld has become very prominent. The "miracle of Wörgl" caused a worldwide sensation.
There will be a new monetary system, because the "old" existing monetary system can and will be improved. The discovery of cryptocurrency can be the step towards this. A natural monetary and economic system will bring peace, freedom and also spiritual advancement.
Everyone should have the freedom to accept a medium of exchange of their choice. Whether euro, dollar, dirham, gold, silver, bitcoin or a completely newly conceived and realized currency: the majority will decide.
HJS Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)