Reflections on Christmas and the Sermon on the Mount (Transmitted)

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus and his resurrection. A birth in a stable and a terrible death on the cross. His message is rarely heard. 

We wish each other a Merry Christmas and a peaceful holiday season. Yet some of us feel a pang in our hearts these days, with all the terrible news, the lack of love and joy. Above all, the spiritual lethargy is shocking, as is the widespread forgetting of the meaning of Christmas. 

A direct transmission of light from the Son of God was necessary if all people were not to be spiritually lost. It was already clear at that time that a great purification, the Judgement, would come in connection with new knowledge for the further development of humanity.

Spiritually, a thousand years are like one day. Approximately 2,000 years ago (spiritually experienced as 2 days ago), Jesus began his wanderings and the associated spreading of the Light of Truth. His words, known as the 'Sermon on the Mount', which he delivered to a large crowd from a hilltop, are engraved in all time. They were received and written down by a spiritual being. They can be read in the original text at the bottom of the page.

The sounds of Christmas echo admonishingly throughout the universe.

We live to experience them. 


The Sermon on the Mount

Once again the people had gathered around the Master and his disciples. They listened attentively and wanted to hear more. Then Jesus sat down on a hill, and at his feet were the multitudes who had come to hear his word. And Jesus said:

"Blessed are those who simply accept the truth, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

Do not ponder or meditate on my words, for you would never come to an end with them. Do not talk to your fellows about what touches you in them, for they are of another nature and would only bring out their own and confuse you with them!

Blessed are the meek and patient, for they shall inherit the earth.

Learn to wait and learn to be temperate, then one day you will have the power within you to conquer others. Self-discipline will tame others!

Blessed are those who have to suffer, for they shall be comforted.

Do not complain when suffering comes to you. Bear it and be strong! No suffering can touch you that you have not allowed to touch you. But learn from it and change in your inmost being, then it will fall from you and you will be free!

Blessed are those who ask for justice, for they shall receive it.

If you think that you are suffering unjustly, then look at the people who are your neighbours and make amends for everything you have ever done to them. Even if you think you are right! No one has the right to make another suffer! If you are pure in this, no one will make you suffer unjustly; they will be ashamed of your greatness of spirit!

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

But do not be deceived into practising false mercy; instead, consider whether your good intentions really benefit people.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

To carry peace within oneself and to give peace to others requires such sincerity of soul that few people on earth will be called children of God. The person who carries true peace, God's peace, will be a relief and balm to his fellow human beings, will heal their wounds simply by being.

Blessed are those who mourn for justice's sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

To suffer for justice is to suffer for truth. To take everything upon oneself, to overcome everything in order to remain true, is the most difficult thing for man on his journey. It means everything: to live justly, to live truthfully down to the smallest detail, and it will cost many battles, many sufferings, it will be an experience, a true experience, throughout man's journey. This is how his path should be, so that the way to the Kingdom of Heaven may be open to him.


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Everything is in these words, the highest that man can achieve, to see God in His works. His heart must be pure, clear as crystal, so that no cloud can prevent him from seeing. To see is to know! The man who is pure in heart has attained it, he can ascend to the Light.

When Jesus had finished, there was a deep silence.

The faces of the people bore witness to their thoughts and feelings. But Jesus did not need to look at their features to see how they had received his message. He knew them, and he hoped that at least some of what he had preached would stick with some of them. He knew that understanding was slowly awakening in people, that the longing for true knowledge could no longer be suppressed. This made Jesus happy and grateful to God.

Now you may ask, "What must we do to be saved?“ I will answer you, so that you may understand at last.

You do not live to live easily, as you long to do! You live to experience! Therefore, be vigilant at all times! Learn from your failures, learn from your happiness. Look around you; you are not on earth to disrespect it! You must get to know it; for you carry bodies that come from it. I will give you once more the laws that resonate in creation and to which you too are subject. Make use of the time you have left until the hour of judgement!


(Image above "Sermon on the Mount" by Carl Bloch, 1877)