Spirituality is in demand

The spiritual awakening of people is spreading. You can see how often the term is searched for in Google Trends: The trend is rising sharply.  The term spirituality refers to the spirit. The spirit is the real human being, the core. The human spirit has a soul and an earthly body. This knowledge is old and therefore classic. Nevertheless, the search engines are registering more demand. 

Spirituality is linked to the search for happiness. Happiness is felt, the feeling of happiness affects the spirit. Just like love. Dealing with material goods can be beautiful, pleasant, provide security, give pleasure, be useful and important on an earthly level. 
Happiness fires the spirit, our core. We experience happiness when we feel connected to the power of life. Loving moments between people, also in connection with the currents of nature with all its creatures, animals, plants and stones, can expand into even more happiness the higher our spirit can move and reach. 
The feeling of happiness concerns the spiritual state of being connected. The connection of the spirit with the source of the life force. When we are connected, when we are in the flow, when we feel and process the spiritual power, then we are at our post and then we feel happiness. 
Spirituality moves closer to our consciousness. People talk about spiritual transformation and great purification.  This cleansing can be thought of as spiritual system maintenance. It strengthens what resonates correctly in the mental, spiritual laws of life. This means that repercussions, conflicts and crises are now being triggered more quickly than before. The increased light pressure pulsates through all ray channels and threads of fate. 
PlusX2 explores spiritual themes and the secret of happiness. If you feel addressed, please feel free to join us.