The Great Renewal with Plus (+)
God, the Creator, the Architect - is the sacred symbol of life itself. He is symbolised by plus (+), which represents the Cross of Truth and bestows a higher meaning to all that exists. It is the Cross that created all life.
We as mankind are currently experiencing the age of truth, in which everything is coming to light, all that exists is compelled to reveal its true nature. The time of transformation, the "great cleansing" is coming to an end, and with it the old, self-indulgent and godless conduct of human beings.
We now bear witness to the promised signs indicating this age of events, which were prophesied long ago. Everything is hurtling towards a single culmination point, towards a collective collapse, be it political, economic or social. The increase of extreme natural phenomena is blatant. Natural disasters in close succession, floods, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so forth.
The elements are rearing their heads. Solar activity is rapidly intensifying and affecting the earth's magnetic field. This is causing its protective shell to become thinner, and enabling cosmic rays to penetrate more strongly than ever before.
Scientists speak of an imminent pole jump. The promises and prophecies of long ago are becoming reality. Birds are falling dead from the sky, fish are dying in droves and losing their orientation, the level of violence and killing worldwide is increasing, and the suicide rate continues to rise. Politicians deliberate to no avail. A global feeling of utter helplessness reigns, in regards to how life will continue.
We experience division, censorship, unrest, civil war and population explosion. More and more people are leaving their homelands, migrating to the supposedly better world. War in Europe, hotbeds of war in many places. Impoverishment, hunger and destitution are rampant. Inflation is omnipresent. Global upheaval. Everything is swinging into a mighty symphony of collapse. The collapse which is the necessary preceding factor of the great renewal of Creation.
Every human being on earth can clearly perceive what is happening if they truly wish to, even the greatest materialists can no longer deny the effects of this global transformation, which is affecting their individual fields of work: Life is not what it used to be. Mankind is at the point of no return.
Now the time has come to prepare for the Great Renewal with Plus (+)! We’re withdrawing the energy from the fast sinking false principle, and instead directing our focus on the future. All existing errors and misconceptions, which have served to oppress and limit mankind, must and will be elucidated. Everything will become clear in due course.
In alignment with the knowledge of the new, natural order, only that which resonates in the Will of the Creator can come into existence. We will no longer be able to choose whether to acknowledge God and live according to His Universal Laws. Moses brought the Ten Commandments to mankind over 3500 years ago. The first commandment reads: I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods beside me!
Now money is the god of many people, followed closely by science.
A recipe for disaster. Any future plans made within the Plus+ Great Renewal process, will forevermore be subject to a critical examination in light of these insights.
The indispensable condition first and foremost, is accurate acquaintance with the Universal Laws on which Creation and the entirety of its existence is subject to. Then we shall precisely define the way we want to live our life. This includes a natural economic order, a new monetary system and land law, the strengthening of the family unit, the schooling system, language, culture of nations, national arts and much more.