The Plus Heilstaette - the hospital of the future?

This is planned for the near future and is called Plus+Heilstätte in this article. The Plus+Heilstätte of the new era is fundamentally different from today's hospital. It resembles a sanatorium built on the laws of life. The Plus+Heilstätte is designed in such a way that a patient feels comfortable and happy there, in no way does a patient have to be afraid to go to a Plus+Heilstätte, on the contrary.

The treating doctors are holistic and trained in Germanic New Medicine. Patients are introduced to the biological laws of the healing process. This means that patients know exactly how the healing process works. The doctors behave like friends. They convey the course of the meaningful biological special programmes (which today are called diseases) as a healing process.

There are intensive care units and state-of-the-art equipment for diagnostics and operations. Psychics and healing magnetopaths (healers) are involved in all healing processes. Mental and biological conflicts can be resolved in advance and healing magnetism can significantly support the healing process. Far Eastern medicineEnergy medicine,

Herbal medicine has a high priority. Patients receive a healthy, personalised diet with medicinal herbs and herbal teas. There is fresh fruit and vegetables, always fresh juices. It smells of delicious plant essences, which are put together personally for each patient by medical experts.

The medical staff can look after the patients lovingly and with plenty of time. There is peace and quiet and the rhythm of day and night is respected, especially when administering medication and natural remedies. Great importance is attached to the patients' healthy sleep and the associated healing phase during the night. The light is natural and additional light sources create a pleasant feeling. Light and sound therapy are used depending on the diagnosis and requirements. There is a prayer room.

Patients decide which relatives they would like to have with them during their stay at the Plus+ Clinic. The patient rooms are cosy and resemble upmarket hotel rooms. Care is always taken to ensure that patients feel completely at ease and are lovingly cared for and treated. Classical music, healing massages, healing baths, light baths in the flower garden of the Plus+ sanatorium, reading room with fireplace, group rooms for exchanging ideas. The patients' stay is made as pleasant and health-promoting as possible.

The cost of their stay will be only a fraction of today's hospital costs. The first Plus+ sanatorium will be realised as soon as a certain number of active members of the PlusX2 network have come together. Planning has already begun. The Plus+ philosophy is centred on health and vitality as the normal state. The Plus+ network will offer active members extremely favourable health insurance that covers a personal regeneration plan according to all the rules of the art.
It's time to break new and better ground.