The Spirit and the Great Danger of Spiritual Sloth

The spirit is the core of the human being that has evolved from a blue spark of light, the spirit seed. This living blue spark of light is the "heart" of the spiritual human body. And like the heart of the earthly body, it is the center of all life functions. The human spirit must pass through the various materialities in order to develop into full consciousness. 

The human mind is originally beautiful. Unlike matter, it is spiritual in nature. Therefore, it needs tools, sheaths, to be able to move and work in a different environment. First, there is the soul, whose ethereality corresponds exactly to the ethereal environment. Then there is the earthly body, whose density is adapted to the gross materiality. 

The earthly body is endowed with understanding, and the etheric soul is endowed with perception. Sensation is triggered by a wave of power from the spirit, which continues to act on the mind, stimulating it to act. Both the auxiliary bodies, the soul and the earthly body, would be immobile without the power of the mind. They would be lifeless shells, like the clothes and coats that clothe the earthly body. Only the spirit breathes life into the soul and the earthly body, thereby making them move.

The spirit ruled, and the mind served the spirit and processed the impressions it received from the spirit according to its nature. And as long as this happened, there was peace and happiness on earth.

But at some point, human tragedy began.

Man felt strong and secure through the mind. He began to do things that did not correspond to his feelings. He consciously acted wrongly, even though he knew exactly that something was wrong, but he did it anyway. The harmonious interplay of body and mind was disturbed when the mind took over. Man began to act against his feelings, thus cutting himself off from the influences of the Light.

With the domination of the mind, the spirit became sluggish, sleepy and weak. The weaker the spirit, the easier it is for dark, evil influences to alter the feelings of the soul. When the light-bound spirit reigned on earth, people felt love for truth, loyalty to the light, and compassion; they had a strong sense of justice and loved and respected all creatures.

Later, all the pure, light feelings gradually disappeared, and other, no less powerful feelings afflicted the souls of men: Lies, mistrust, unbelief, envy, jealousy, hatred, shamelessness, and much more. This is the state of mind and spirit that is prevalent today. The negative feelings strongly characterize the souls and can have a harmful effect on the earthly body. 

The longer a person is spiritually cut off from the light connections, the more he is cut off from the life stream of the spiritual world. After a certain time, being cut off from the spiritual stream of life leads to spiritual stagnation. The blue spark of light, the "spiritual heart," is still there, the person lives his life, eats, sleeps and reproduces, but he is considered spiritually dead. 

But even in this weakened state, cut off from the Light, spirits that are considered dead can still incarnate during this time according to the Law of Light. 

Only when a certain cooling of the spark of light occurs, which inevitably happens after a certain time, is incarnation no longer possible. The soul then sinks into the depths according to the law of gravity. 

Every development has a certain time frame. This also applies to one's own spiritual development. Whoever is spiritually dormant or has even fallen asleep must now quickly awaken. The cleansing process on earth is shaking the souls, and fortunately we can see that many people are now awakening spiritually. Unfortunately, there are also masses of people who do not want to awaken despite the turbulence. The spirits are weak, inertia prevents a new connection with the spiritual sources of light. Fear and depression are spreading. There is a sense of great danger emanating from the lack of light. 

Now is the time to become spiritually awake, to want the good with all our strength and to reach out for the threads of light, to put the mind in its place and to listen to the voice of the spirit, to our feelings. Countless light helpers are at the ready.