Continuing education is in demand worldwide. More and more people feel the desire for personal development in the intellectual and emotional-spiritual area.
Added to this is the need for good self-organisation. PlusX2 offers a unique combination of practical online learning units and tried and tested tools for success.
Everyone has the mental capacity to achieve what they can imagine. What is needed here is a clear idea of what is really important to the individual. This is because the spiritual core attracts into its life exactly what resonates with the feeling.
A dream album that stores images is helpful. This helps to visualise wishes and manifest them more quickly. Writing down goals, setting priorities, planning activities and managing contacts are also tried and tested tools for success.
Earning money with further education offers a ring-fence. Helping other people to achieve their goals will lead to the realisation of your own wishes and dreams. Expertise in communication, online work and education of the heart are the new growth factors for people with a desire for even more success.
PlusX2 summarises the benefits. Participants learn to become better and more successful in the areas of life they desire.
PlusX2 describes itself as "the fine network", partly because of the sensitive topics of personal development and self-organisation, and partly because of the friendly and respectful interaction between members. Added to this is the ease with which business can be initiated, the simplicity, the inner trust and the motivation to move forward.
The PlusX2 programme is available in German, English and Spanish.