Have you ever wondered how network marketing professionals always manage to reach top positions in a company and earn a lot of money?
What do these "professionals" know that you don't? And would it be if you also knew what matters if you want to "hit your big shot" in this industry?
I know how it works because I've already done it twice. Today, you'll learn the three factors that matter if you want to make passive income for the long term.
First: you need a real need. For that, a solution in the form of a product and a system that allows you to duplicate your work time and labor.
Second: You need innovation, either through a new need, a new solution, or a new marketing system.
Third: you need to develop the ability to create a "want." This is not taught in most network marketing organizations, it is the secret of top executives. In short, it is your ability to make another person experience that they can achieve HIS desires, dreams and goals through your offering (product and system).
Fourth: timing - the right time. For top networkers, timing is everything. No matter how sales partners of long-established companies argue. You'll have a better chance with a new idea, a new opportunity, a new product, and a new plan. If a company comes along that brings something really exciting new, and you start at an early stage, you can become world class.
Fifth: Timing. Does your offering fit the times? Cosmetics, fragrances and cleaning products, diet products, nutritional supplements, pet food, chocolate and coffee, water filters, clothing - these product categories are consumer products and therefore popular in sales. But is your offer exciting enough for you to be enthusiastic yourself? And will the person you are talking to be excited? Are your or similar products available for purchase in conventional stores or on Amazon and Ebay?
The ideal case: is when your company triggers a trend. Offering something that humanity needs, but doesn't even know it needs yet. A good example is the iPhone. Another product that is currently catching on is Starlink with Internet for all and Bitcoin as the new money. In addition to technical and digital development, there is another global trend that cannot be stopped by anything.
The coming megatrend: One of the biggest problems of mankind is the lack of education! Only each individual person can take care of his or her own education. The education in the schools are one-sided, aligned on the intellect. Spiritual education is missing. Did you learn in school to lead a happy, successful life? Despite all the schools and universities, scientists and research institutions, we are experiencing a cumulative collapse in the economy, politics, Staatsweses and the health sector. Add to that war, inflation, poverty, hunger and depression. We need a new philosophy for a sustainable coexistence. A better connection to the universal laws of life, the laws of creation. The future human being will have completed a transformation to a spiritualized full human being.
PlusX2 Network is the pioneer for this new global trend.
Network marketing is a wonderful economic form to carry an idea from person to person. A new trend is emerging. It is the further education in accordance with the laws of nature, the personal spiritual development and the real help for the neighbor. Because PlusX2 did not exist yet, it had to be found. The need is huge, because mankind is at a turning point, many people are now also awakening spiritually and find connection with Plus. The product is called further education for personality development. The system of duplication is probably unique in the world. The timing is exactly right and the spirit of the times can be recognized by those whose spirit is in motion!
Best recommendation!